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Bulls and Postruth

Bulls and Postruth

Bulls are back

Since 1999, the Corporación Taurina de Bogotá rents out la Plaza Santamaría (Santamaría bullring) for bullfightings. 

But in 2012, Gustavo Petro, Bogotá's ex mayor, started the debate based in the sentence C-666 of 2010. 

It said about bullfighting "animals must get special protection for suffering and pain during this activities". 

However, it didn't stop bullfightings in the capital. On june 14th of 2012 the IDRD (Distrital Institute of Recreation and Sports) finished the contract with the Corporación Taurina. Since then, the repairs for the bullring started.

The Corporación Taurina sue the mayoralty and the IDRD for freedom of artistic speech violation. The Corporation won, the Constitutional Court solved: "Bullfighting can be recognized as and artistic speech of human being". 

Bulls get back in 2016.

And so postruth did. 

Our characters

Director of ALTO

Natalia Parra

Harold Ronderos

Technical Secretary Corporación Taurina

Alegría Fonseca

Director of Fundación Alma

We always had the reason. So it said the law. We don't discuss with terrorists from the streets

They tried to present the other side as criminals. 

In this debate, everyone had some of reason and some of irrationality

Myths are made by people's imagination and you cannot fight against that

Postruth in the streets

We are always looking for postruth in Bogotá. We asked people three simple questions_

1. What do you think about bullfighting?

2.Who banned bullfightings in Bogotá?

3.Who brought them back?

'Right' answers

1. Free answer.

2. It was during the government of Gustavo Petro. The IDRD finished the contract with the Corporación Taurina. 

3.The Constitutional Court. This time it was not #CulpaDePeñalosa

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